Mitt Romney suspended his faltering presidential campaign on Thursday, effectively sealing the Republican presidential nomination for John McCain. "I must now stand aside, for our party and our country," Romney told conservatives. "If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror," Romney told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.Let me see if I have this straight: This man's party has shredded the Bill of Rights because it's too mendacious and incompetent to capture the architect of Sept. 11. This man's party has dismissed the Geneva Convention protocols as suggestions and basic human rights as dewy-eyed idealism. This man's party has squandered billions on an illegal war, and allowed the most naked of power-grabs by the Bush Junta, leaving the next generations to undo their damage. This man's party has dragged the reputation of the United States through the gutter at the chariot-wheels of its kingmakers, boot-lickers and hired thugs.
In short, this man's cronies have used the bin Ladin bogeyman again and again to do possibly irreversible damage to America--to the point where the question of whether it will ever again be the land of the free or the home of the brave is genuinely debatable. "Terror" is only a threat because the puppet-masters of the GOP need a mustache-twirling villain straight from Central Casting to distract from their profiteering--political and monetary.
Let's keep this permanently on record: This man's party gave the city over to sack, pillage and rape--by their own forces. After the enemy had long since decamped, I might add. They have damaged America more in six years more than bin Ladin and the other so-called enemies of freedom could have achieved in lifetimes. The War! On!! Terror!!! has been mainly prosecuted against the American taxpayer and the average Iraqi. If that's the definition of "fighting terrorism", "surrender" doesn't sound like a bad option. At least if the "logic" follows the same Orwellian newspeak syntax as the rest of the theocon universe. You know, the place where a futile war in Iraq can be won by declaring war on Iran? Yeah, that place.
Sadly, Romney--like the rest of his reality- and truth-challenged cohorts--will never have to account for his complicity in the FUD that passes for political discourse. He's doubly lucky that we don't have the same mother. With fibbing on that scale, he'd be tasting soap for months.