One has to wonder why your average White House henchperson would need Kazaa or what-have-you installed on a work computer. Given the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do mindset that prevails in any hierarchy, you can rest assured that the other two branches of the Constitutional tree have the same issue.
What would be genuinely funny to watch: The spectacle of watching the RIAA/MPAA cosa nostra kneecap their own padrone for not playing the knuckle-cracking "enforcers" on their own networks. But I suppose that flavor of schadenfreude--never mind the repeal of the DMCA, a reasonable shortening of the copyright extensions, and the rebirth of internet radio--would be too much to ask when fair use must bow and scrape for whatever scraps of its rights haven't been requisitioned to pad the wallets of the mafia-esque "entertainment" industry.
This, friends and brethren, is what comes of allowing policy to be dictated by the twelve-o-clock flashers of the world...