Friday, February 22, 2008

Innocent until proven Republican

Wow, I was almost starting to jones for a GOP scandal. The schadenfreude of watching the party of "moral values" caught with its hand in the cookie jar and its privities illicitly engaged is rather addictive. Hat-tip to Dearest for feeding the monkey: Congressman indicted for Fraud, Extortion. The funniest part was:
Renzi's attorneys also suggested that the prosecution may have been politically motivated. "We fear that the Department of Justice may have allowed the investigation to have been influenced by political considerations, which should never have a place in the administration of justice."
Memo to Senator Renzi: If you think that throwing your own party--that would be the same one which denied the "politicizing" of the DOJ when they were only sacking Democrats--under the bus to save your career is a good idea, you're gonna need a muuuuuuch bigger bus, sir.

The thing is, if I were in any way connected with that investigation, I'd seriously consider hiring a bodyguard for the duration. If the allegations are true and Renzi was that thuggish in the flush of power, I'd hate to know what he's like when cornered.

If the senior Senator from Arizona was envying Clinton and Obama for stealing the media limelight since his anointing as GOP heir presumptive, this is one of those "be careful what you wish for" kind of situations... Bad enough that Allen was caught trolling the Florida men's rooms for sex--this will just breathe a new glow in the embers of that embarrassment. Not to mention resurrect the ghost the Lincoln Savings and Loan (a.k.a. "Keating 5") scandal more times than a slasher-movie bad-guy.

Obama in November. 'nuff said. (Clinton lost my preference when she couldn't be bothered to show up to throw her vote in the way of the FISA disgrace. Neither did McCain, but it's not like he had anything to lose. Somehow men who broadcast their sperm shotgun with multiple extramarital affairs--a matter of record, by the bye--and then consistently vote anti-choice don't don't get my nod. Funny how that works...)