It's a full week, what with meetings, cheerleading a friend through her fisticuffs with cancer, remembering of Dearest's mother, who lost a much sharper skirmish with cancer ten years ago Monday, and fretting over a nephew hospitalized with mononucleosis.
But last night was a halcyon evening, mostly spent making dinner--specifically and pointedly a meal that Dearest's mom would have made--or enjoying it. Time enough to slip outside to watch the lunar eclipse at points in its progress. The bite of cold made those ventures short ones, though. I made the mistake of bringing the cat out on one foray, but he bolted once back indoors. (Somehow I doubt that the experience will cure him of whining to be let outside.)
So much of my world is defined by an LCD monitor (or, at work, two); it's good to gawp at a larger Universe once in awhile...