Friday, October 5, 2007

The stupid! It burns!

Gotta be the stupidest thing to come out of the Bush junta lately, which is saying something. Seriously, are these people even trying anymore?

Earlier this year the story was: Illegal immigrants are baaaaad're a terrorist threat? Except that Timothy McVeigh was an American. And the 9/11 terror-cells had their paperwork in order. Drat. Strike that one.

[Fast forward a few months.]

Okay, how 'bout this: Illegal immigrants are baaaaad because they carry disease? Except that 'round that time, some WASP lawyer carrying a raging, virulent TB strain caused a minor panic. Nope, nobody buyin' that one either.

[Fast forward a couple more months.]

Ooh! Ooh! Chertoff's got it! Illegal immigrants are baaaaad for the environment? Brilliant! What Chertoff said!



Did I just read that? The Bush Regime wringing its hands over pollution?!?! Never mind the fact that the average American pitches 4.5 pounds of trash. Every Effin' Day. Multiply that by 365 and that's 1642.5 pounds per year. If we're lucky, 365 pounds of that are recycled. But, then, the whole tu, quoque thing is a huge waste of time to the sociopaths currently infesting the Executive Branch.

Fortunately, this is all pathetically transparent political schtick. Otherwise it'd surely be a sign of the (very imminent) Apocalypse. I should be grateful for that. Yet I can't seem to savor any spiteful satisfaction at the lurchings of this lame-duck Presidency. The neocon Götterdämmerung is causing too much collateral damage to be entertaining. I won't bother to replace my burned-out irony meter until January, 2009...if even then.


Completely unrelated, except in the sense of "Did I just read that?", another goodie from Yahoo! News:
TUCSON, Ariz. - Recent tests have shown that a brain-eating amoeba is in Tucson's water supply, but experts say the microscopic bug doesn't pose any health risks.
I mean, I realize that the Rethuglicans since Reagan onward have done their d--ndest to dumb down 'merica an' all. But have we indeed sunk to such a low that a microorganism capable of eating one's brain is not considered a "health risk"? Yes, I have to admit that I wouldn't be all that surprised if the amoebae have a lobbiest at the FDA. But still...