I think that it was FDR who said, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." The folks sounding the alarm about global warming could well say the same.
The fact that the Bush Junta is (ahem!) "grooming" the testimony of its own officials on the subject of global warming (again!) just says it all, doesn't it? As ringing endorsements go, it almost makes the Nobel Prize pale by comparison.
Funny how this regime freely lifts the skirt of your phone call, email, financial, etc. data, yet swaths its own in a lead birka. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear--isn't that how it works? Oh, wait: That only applies outside the Oval Echo Chamber. Silly me...
Feh. At this point, any official who doesn't immediately resign after being muzzled should be brought up on charges of treason like her/his higher-ups. I used to have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but after this band of brigands, I'm sorry that keel-hauling has gone out of fashion.
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