In case you need to swat your local tinfoil-hat internet troll railing against the "atheist" ACLU, this link will come in handy for bitch-slapping him/her hard enough to knock the foam from around her/his mouth. (Call me cynical if you will: Cue the swiftboating in 3...2...1...) [wry grimace]
Speaking of the ACLU, though, Mewonders how it's coming along in its defense of the Baptist preacher arrested for hitting on an undercover cop. Both preacher and police officer were male, by the bye. Like the poor schlep's gonna get a fair trial in Texas otherwise... (In case anyone needs the reminder, the 1996 Texas Republican Party's platform included a little gem about outlawing homosexuality, IIRC.)
But if that isn't enough schadenfreude to get you though the longer Fall nights, how about McCain praying every night" that we won't go to war with Iran? He was for war with Iran before he was against it, doncha know? [extra-sarcastic eyeroll] I've thought for months now that the guy's gone 'round the twist--just in a different direction than his AZ predecessor Barry Goldwater went in the late 80s and 90s. And good shuttance to the both of them--although BG's suggestion that "every good Christian ought to kick Jerry Falwell right in the @$$" made me laugh out loud.
But getting back on topic... I can respect the Captain Brown's Christianity in that he actually seemed to have kept reading his Bible when the fire and brimstone gave way to that feel-good, touchy-feely New Testament. Are there any more like you at home? Seriously.
Greg Gutfeld ‘Jokes’ Rep. Jasmine Crockett Is A ‘Ho’
47 minutes ago