Good thing that the gutless windbag in this article preferred to remain nameless. Good thing for her/him, anyway. What got my back up was the ham-fisted judgementalism on someone's decision to have a child by their dead soldier-spouse. Memo to the US Military Leadership: The men and women that your Cluster@#$%-in-Chief sent to their deaths may have sworn everything but their souls to you, but their widows and widowers didn't. You don't own them, so just STFU when someone tries tidying up the mess this illegal war has made of their life. Oh, and ship this REMF to Iraq while you're at it.
But it's the usual case of the head of the fish stinking first. An organization that can't abide homosexuality, yet punishes rape victims while coddling their attackers. As usual, if it's not the male deciding the how and the where and when, a wanted child is a mistake. Or, in this case, a possible "regret" and an ethical "dilemma".
So whoever you are, here's a big fat FU. You're just lucky that your organization has such a practiced hand at shielding louts like you. If you worked in anything like the Real World--as opposed to your REMF sinecure--your sorry sexist @$$ would be on the curb right now. They don't make enough middle fingers for moralizing busybodies like you.
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