It's about friggin' time... "Chicago workers sit-in becomes rallying point"
I don't care if the Soviets and Chinese and various Third World thugocracies gave Marxism a bad name. Labor is NOT a commodity, and employees ARE stakeholders, d--it. Far more so than overpaid gits pushing imaginary money back and forth between spreadsheet columns at an investment banking firm. Or the significantly more overpaid gits who set up the giant Monopoly game.
So viva la revoluciĆ³n. Granted, the firing squad's gonna run short of bullets eventually, but it'll at least thin the ranks of the cheeseburger-binging b@$+@rds--I'm looking at you, Mr. "Contract with America"--who put us in this mess. It certainly won't do much tangible short-term good, but if a few pike-mounted heads convince today's business/finance majors to go into useful occupations, I think the world will be a better place for it.