The fact that the hothouse wankers on the right incite their posse to keep blaming the equal lending opportunity laws for the finance meltdown should have them up on charges of treason. There are people in Gitmo who are less of a threat to America. When selling more books or keeping your ratings gets in the way of fixing the problem, you have forfeited your right to free speech. Honestly, Streicher was hung for less vitriol than some of these beady-eyed cheeseburger-snorting gits have spewed.
The premeditated thievery of The Suits who pumped air into an obvious bubble is the cause of the meltdown. Homebuyers with shaky credit most emphatically did not spray Lysol on their loans before bundling them as "secure" investments. Homebuyers with still worse credit absolutely did not force anyone to cook the books and lie all the way up the so-called accountability chain. This was a culture of greed, pure and simple. I mean, come on, already: This is a industry that's thumbed its nose at that meddling government for years--one whose stooges trumpted the virtues of "self-correcting" capitalism. Does anyone with two brain cells to rub together honestly believe that any suit anywhere gave a flying @#$% at a rolling doughnut whether someone was being discriminated against?
So, for the dittoheads and willing bitches of the hot-air vents on AM and Faux News: Saying Yes, WaMu Built an Empire on Shaky Loans. Oh, and while you're at it: Bite the ankles of those who shoved their way above you on mobility ladder rather than kicking the heads of those climbing behind you. For a freakin' change, already. Guess who actually deserves it?
But I suppose that I might be deluding myself there, expecting mere fact to tempt anyone from the fun of playground bullying--which is what this is. Mom said that some people never grow up, and she's becoming more correct the longer I live and see things like bailout bonuses, Vice Presidents sneering "So?"s, and knowing that these criminals will not gasp their last in prison. Pathetically, it's much easier to turn your dissatisfaction at your own lot on those less powerful than even you than it is to risk something by holding the real perpertrators to account. Especially when they're obviously sociopaths. Just like the hate-peddlers who single out the powerless.