Monday, October 6, 2008

What color is the sky in W's world?

Daaaang. I didn't think that hypocrisy could come in this density without imploding into a black hole. Cheeseburgers alone can't mess up your thinking this badly, can they? I gotta think that Dubya's been brain damaged by all the white-out he's used on hundreds of signing statements--not to mention the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Convention, Salt II, and reality in general. (Fortunately, it flakes off reality sooner or later. The others? Don't hold your breath...)

But the amount of hypocrisy and/or self-deception required for Dubya to pontificate about "apply[ing] the laws as written" just knocks the wind out of you. I don't think you realize this, Mr. President, but Keith Olberman was being polite when he told you to "shut the Hell up." That's certainly not the four-letter word I would have used.