I would disappoint my inner Hufflepuff if I neglected to give John McCain credit for trying to stuff the proverbial genie back into the bottle. Being booed by the people who came to cheer you has to be d--ned unnerving, even with a Secret Service posse at your back. I heartily commend the courage that it takes to incur that--make no mistake. There's a reason I slipped out of pep rallies and into the library, trust me.
Unfortunately, the sorcery that turns mobs 180 degrees from their initial course is all too rare. Worse, Miss Wingnut USA is just too goshdarned white trash dingdangitalready for any prayer of gravitas.
But I digress.
Again, my sincere kudos to the senior Senator from Arizona. Sadly, though, with such discombobulated campaign machinery running beneath him, I'd put McCain's chances of holding back the dark side of conservativism at slim to none. I just hope to Hades that the hatefulness is confined to the rallies.