As if 40+ of those polled supporting McCain in the U.S. isn't enough cognitive dissonance to make your head explode, it's the fact that Harper and his goons are within striking distance of a majority government in Canada.
After eight textbook case years of the scapegoating done by one of the most corrupt and morally, intellectually bankrupt political philosophies since modern Communism, you'd think that a few people would be able to spot another "us vs. them" demonizing attempt at distraction. Like this one: PM vows to name youth criminals. Just like the neocons/theocons in our country have demonized immigrants (illegal and non-), homosexuals, Muslims, and liberals.
The thing is, I consider Canada's penal system far too soft, and shamefully lax on consideration for the victims. But I could agree 100% with Harpers proposal's, but oppose them nonetheless. Why? Because the Tories are still the spiritual descendents of the "White Man's Burden" colonials. Playing the tribes off against each other, spreading guns and fire-water and smallpox-infected blankets around indiscriminately. More to the point, Harper waited until the middle of an election to trot out a divisive proposal, a proposal that has squat to do with actually curbing crime. In short, every once in a while, the messenger does matter. The Tories have proved--with forcing a re-vote on same-sex marriage, with immigration so-called "reform"--that they have photocopied whole chapters from the Karl Rove playbook.
And so, I just shake my head, wondering how so many Canadians can be as blind as their counterparts to the the damning verdict on the reactionary dogma that has made undermined the military, foreign policy, political discourse, and economic standing of the most powerful nation on earth. I realize that Stephane Dion is about as exciting as cold, canned cream of mushroom soup, but still... Is that any justification for letting a grasping thug like Harper drag a country down a road that has already been scorched and devastated by the neocons south of the border?