But Margaret Cho, quoted by FireDogLake, absolutely nails it, IMO:
...she is the ultimate misogynist. She is a woman hater in the extreme. To force women to have children against their will, to deny abortion rights EVEN in cases of incest and rape is abominable. She is an insult to feminism, a sickening example what a woman will do to other women in order to please men and further her own career. Women do s**t like that to other women to keep them down – to make their achievement seem more extraordinary – to keep women out of their way, so they can enjoy all the power and the men themselves, and that stuff makes them worse than sexist men. It is worse to be a traitor than a perpetrator.Just like Palin's Uncle Tom comrades (e.g. Phyllis Schlafly and Ann Coulter). Even Mareshal Petain would be embarassed by such disgusting pandering to a thugocracy.