After black-hat hackers and spammers and the mouth-breathers who keep the tasteless banner ad folks in business, my least favorite people on the internet are cybersquatters. For the uninitiated, these folks like to register promising domain names with the intention of "flipping" them to someone who might have a legitimate use for the name. Until recently, I had assumed that this kind of bottom-feeding was more or less a cottage industry. I was quite wrong.
Fortunately, it looks like ICANN is doing something about it. Normally, calling for more regulation of the internet is something you will not find me doing. But the fact is that sleazoids are making billions by creating artificial barriers to entry for others. Which should in no way be mistaken for capitalism. It's pure squattocracy. And as such, I have no qualms whatsoever about brandishing my pitchfork and baying for blood. Get a real business model, losers: Add value or bugger off. Just like the rest of us have do to pay the bills.