We're repeatedly told that the folks gunning (or IEDing) for Western soldiers or blowing up innocents in Afghanistan and Iraq do so because their leaders have muddled religion and killing people. Good thing our Armed Forces don't have that problem. Riiiight???
So...we'll take people with criminal records, put guns in their hands and not fuss overmuch about what they do to someone else's country--as long as nobody takes pictures. But for crissakes, kick out the homosexuals and atheists before they get their cooties on someone!
Feh. I suppose it makes perfect sense if you're a theocon. But, then, if you can believe that the kangaroos swam to Australia after Noah beached the Ark on Mount Ararat, I s'pose you can manage any amount of self-serving twaddle. Depressing, isn't it, how the moral compass never seems to survive the auto-lobotomy required by fundamentalism?
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