Dearest kindly brightened my day with the news that another of of the Almighty's loudmouthpieces was caught "with his pants down and his wallet out" as Dearest put it. Except that's not quite correct. Checkbook would be more to the point. Except that that's not quite correct, either. Seems that the Rev. reported the checks missing.
Hmmm...lessee here: That would involve bearing false witness and adultery AND stealing (given that the check would have not been honored). In other words, three Commandments down in one shot. You have to admire the multi-tasking, if nothing else...
If I believed in Hell, I'd hope for a special place reserved for such Prurient Puritans. Satan wouldn't even have to work at it.. Just lock 'em all in the same room. Naked. With every sex toy and XXX film ever made. Imagining the eternal tension between holier-than-thou and hornier-than-thou more than offsets the "EEEEeeeeewwwww!!!" factor--trust me on this.