All the same, that's been the one hopeful spot in the political week. And then there's everything else. For instance that Global! War!! On!!! Terror!!!! What do we 'mericans have to show that could possibly be worth going-on-half-a-trillion dollars, over four thousand US lives (I'm including the contractor body-count), our birthright Constitution maimed and still bleeding, and the accelerated ill will of our fellow travellers on this Spaceship Earth?
- 24% of the senior leadership positions at the Department of Homeland Security (an Orwellian name if ever was) are vacant. Mmmm-hmmm, that would be the people who are supposed to stand between us and Big, Bad, Bin Ladin. Missing from their posts. And did we mention that in two years the DHS had 844 cybersecurity "incidents"? Do the long division, peeps: That's over one per day.
- Which, perchance, explains why getting your mitts on enough radioactive material to FUBAR a city block is just so d---ned easy these days.
- And those troublemakers from Iran and Syria who are embarassing our little nation-building exercise in Iraq? Turns out that they're more likely to hang their head-wraps in Saudi Arabia. You know, those repressive b@$+@rds our extortionist gas prices keep in power?
- But it appears that this may not be the chiefest of our concerns. Because al-Qaeda got its groove back.
In any branch of our military, such mortally dangerous incompetence would guarantee a court-martial and sacking. But not for its Decider-in-Chief. Yet, by now, Napoleon's (alleged) advice to "never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" is moot. "Cui bono?" no longer matters: Impeachment should be not only "on the table," but served as the main course. Primarily for the sake of future Americans now endangered because the bar for governance has been lowered--to the point where a trench has to be dug for it. And---even more to the point--the unprecedented proceedings which remove the President and Vice-President from office should be immediately followed by handing both (and their hench(wo)men) over to the Hague to answer to the world's justice.
Plainly put: Mere impeachment is not enough. This Administration has thumbed its nose at public sentiment, Constitutional boundaries, and the covenant that those in power make with History when they assume office. If China can execute its food and drug inspector for corruption, why should we not insist on such accountability from those whose venality and hubris and sheer myopic incompetence have cost thousands of lives? Let them meet the same fate as Keitel, Jodl, Streicher, et. al.: Choking on the ashes of their legacies, ears ringing with the calumny of History, on their way to an ignoble and ignominious grave.