New book!
Never mind that I haven't finished the one I picked up for vacation (Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell by Suzanna Clark). I thought that it was interesting that Joel Spolsky (co-founder of Fog Creek Software, and my dream boss before he got a little too full of himself) was running with some fast company when Jessica Livingston interviewed him for Founders at Work. There he's rubbing shoulders with the founders and early employees of Apple, Adobe, Lotus, TiVo, etc. (And, as it coincidentally turns out, So I ordered it.
I've been on the corporate leash long enough that I'm feeling the itch to start something of my own, even if it's merely dipping my toe back into the shallow end of consulting. I don't plan taking any coursework this summer, so I'm angling to line something up for that time-frame. Worse come to worst, I plod away on one of my own projects. Something that directly benefits ME (for a change), in any case...
But in the meantime, yay for new books! ;-)