Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hypocrisy on steroids

I have a confession to make: For several years I bought into John McCain's "maverick" schtick. Now, of course, I know better. I should be more annoyed--with myself more so than the Senator from Arizona. But I suppose that it's like any breakup: It always seems like the "you" who believed in your "significant other" was a whole 'nuther person. The "me" back then actually thought that McCain had real cajones when he teamed up with Feingold for campaign finance reform. That he had truly atoned for his days as 20% of the "Keating 5" S&L scandal of the late '80s. Now he's so obviously the "kept man" of the theocons who still think that they own America that it's just nauseating. And rather than cop the "I was duped!" line that most old-school conservatives are using these days, I will simply own up to utter political naifishness.

I wouldn't mind so much if McCain were simply your run-of-the-mill (political) crack-whore looking for his next hit. (Sadly, we're used to that as America continues its long slide into Plutocracy.) It's the fact that he won't give Joe and Jane America credit for having two brain cells to rub together. It's always the insult more than the injury...

Today's declaration that he wants to see Roe vs. Wade overturned is one thing. Fine. Nail your flag to the mast early on. That's merely truth in advertising, and I'm All About an informed electorate. But, in the next breath, to promise to appoint people who "won't legislate from the bench" just brought on a sharp pain between the eyes.

[Pardon me whilst I slip into the cant usage of the blogosphere, and ask: WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!]

Let me see if I have this straight, Senator: Appointing ONLY judges who intend to overturn the ruling of the Highest Court In The Land is NOT legislating from the bench?!? How stupid do you think people are, Mr. Senator?!? Which begs the question, how stupid are YOU? Apparently, when you and Jerry Falwell were trading blow-jobs, you picked up something far more serious than the mere clap. Namely, a complete imperviousness to reason and falliability. And there ain't no penicillin for that. Not to mention that the recovery rate is abysmal. Sorry, jack: We've had six-plus years of hubris already, thank you (and your tribe) very little. Go simper at someone else. You've lost my vote for good.

Now, understand that I believe in a strong multi-party system because I don't think that either the right or the left has a monopoly on good ideas or love of country. But if McCain is the best that the G.O.P. can field, the Democrats should be throwing their hats in the air right now. And--more to the point--if that's the level to which the G.O.P. is willing to drag political discourse, I will watch with rapt enjoyment as they're handed their heads in 2008. Makes me want to take up knitting in the honorable tradition of Madame DeFarge.