This past week or so, it occurred to me how many of the blogs I used to frequent are now dark and shuttered, so it was good to see the Stupid Evil Bastard get his groovemojo back. Also, rumour is that Ally Brosh (of Hyperbole and a Half) is actively working on her book (which is a happier event for the fact that it means that she's probably managing her depression more than it means that I can read a new book).
(Not that I have anything to complain about, being a lapsed blogger multiple times and URLs over, m'self, y'understand... )
But in my defence, the levels of stoopid and crazee coming from south of the border (and shedding their special kind of cooties on the freshly shampooed carpets) are edging kind of high lately. Soooooo wishing I could schlep about five or so people up here under refugee status. Whether they liked it or not. ("Oh, just y'all quitcherbellyachin'--remember what happened to Anne Frank?")
But in the meantime, it's nice to know that I'm not alone in the rage. And now you know too.
Mike’s Blog Round-Up
1 hour ago