Kudos to the Senate--which includes some of its GOP alumni--for smacking down, however barely, a bill that would have allowed residents of "concealed carry" to pack hidden heat in states that did not have that (cough) "right."
That the measure gained 58 votes is a travesty in itself, but that's another rant for another day.
Funny, ain't it, how the GOP was all about "states rights" when it was a dog-whistle term for restoring segregation. Funny how they're willing to look the other way when states (and Christian terrorists) whittle away at Roe v. Wade. But if it's about letting states decide that they don't, in fact, want nutballs living out vigilante fantasies inside their borders, of course that's completely different, donchaknow?
The irony of me writing this is that, in about thirty-odd hours, I'll be at an NRA class learning how to safely use a handgun. So anyone who calls my cred. into question can just suck it.
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