It didn't take long for RNC head Steele to cave, did it?
The takeaway is this: The GOP--you remember them, the "Party of Moral Values"--is now taking its orders from a double-chinned, thrice-divorced drug addict who can't manage stay out of trouble while on probation.
And yet, overeducated morons like David Brooks can delude themselves that the "polarization" lies solely at the feet of the left. That his ilk, which championed gay-bashing, immigrant-bashing, elective war, torture, tax cuts in the middle of a recession, union-busting, permanent Republican majorities, no bid contracts, private armies, et cetera ad nauseum, are "moderate" and "fiscally responsible."
If I were the believing sort, I would offer whatever libations and supplications were needed to bring down the wrath of the Gods of Politics and the swift execution of the Laws of Karma on the GOP's head. But not being that sort, I can only hope that the finger-pointing and revisionism and hypocrisy come home to roost for the next ten election cycles.
Mike’s Blog Round-Up
1 hour ago