That being said, I don't think that the government interest in the issue of CEO paychecks will even begin to bridge the "Two Americas." But Ted Davis should be formally censured for the sheer hypocrisy of the following:
"The impact of corporate executive compensation is debatable," said Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, top Republican on the committee. "Fine, but that debate ... should not degenerate into a sanctimonious search for scapegoats."Will Rogers observed that the problem with giving someone a lesson in meanness is that they usually learn it. And the GOP has done nothing if not set the platinum standard for both sanctimoniousness and scapegoating.
Apparently, such behavior is only acceptable when the sanctimoniousness couches itself in Old Testament idiom, and the scapegoats are immigrants, gays, or brown people who have the gall to live near Third World oilfields. Not rich, powerful (and overwhelmingly white) males whose mistakes and hubris damage thousands upon thousands of working families.
Unbelievable. If that's what rubbing elbows with people who have less sense of responsibility than a spoiled teenager does to your perspective, I'll stick with my crowd. We'll start a gopher ranch next door to the country club...