Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Two faces of terrorism

Purely by coincidence, I caught two links from CNN that essentially capture the reason that we will ultimately lose the war that our so-called leaders have declared on terrorism. The domestic part of the exercise makes about as much sense as the police trying to solve a bank robbery by spending the next six years frisking everyone who writes a check. To wit, after years of subjecting everyone from children to the elderly to the degradation that comes from being considered a terrorist out of hand, our planes are just as likely to be bombed out of the sky as they ever were. Kudos for the GAO, even though the whole thing makes me just furious.

And, from a linked article, a reminder that terrorists can also be Caucasians in Armani or Prada. And I'm not talking about that Rapture-ready capitalist swine Eric Prince of Blackwater fame. Our government isn't the only one willing to outsource terrorism. Dearest and I haven't been buying Chiquita for awhile because of this. In the same way that I haven't knowingly put a dime in Nestle's pocket since learning of the infant formula monstrosity back in the 80s.

But, typically, once wheels start turning in any enterprise so mammoth, correcting course is well-nigh impossible, to say nothing of stopping before the whole behemoth rolls off the cliff.