Just back from helping two friends paint their house in preparation for selling it. Dearest and I owed them big-time for helping us move several years ago.
During the wall-washing and taping and such, I compiled a mental checklist of how do do a painting party or moving party the right way. Or at least my idea of the "right" way. So I'm posting it as a public service to anyone who has to call in friends, rather than pay professionals, for these unpleasant (though karma-building) jobs:
___ Don't procrastinate on the prep-work. It won't kill you to have it done ahead of schedule, for pity's sake. If your friends think they're coming over to help you move, they should not have to help you pack.
___ For love of the FSM, have a Plan. Then make a backup Plan in case the original Plan goes astray due to mishaps or people not showing up.
___ Clean the place thoroughly. "Thoroughly" as in, "We could perform surgery in the bathroom and pre-wash our scalpels in the toilet." Moving and painting are sweaty, ooky jobs as it is.
___ Arrange to have children and pets out of the house, or at least out from underfoot for the duration.
___ Stock the refrigerator/cooler with beverages and have munchies at the ready, even if you're feeding folks later on.
___ Have enough equipment and supplies on hand for everyone.
___ Take responsibility for being the straw boss, knowing what has to be done, and communicating that to everyone else. Don't just get stuck into your piece of the job and ignore what's going on around you.
___ Better still, have a checklist posted. (H/t to Dearest for the idea)
___ If possible, have another person designated as gopher, namely the fetcher and finder of things, who orders the pizza, restocks the 'fridge, etc.
___ Take care of yourself, but also expect to work harder than what you ask of anyone else.
___ Understand that the people helping you are working for YOU, not for beer and pizza. They can buy their own freakin' pizza and beer, and have the rest of the day/weekend/whatever to do something they'd really rather be doing. Don't undermine the karma--you might need to ask these same people for help again soon.