Not being of a generation that can remember WWI and WWII, I've always thought that Daylight Savings Time was an incredibly stupid idea. Even stupider this year, when it was pushed back even further. As usual, the gits who gave us this piece of annoyance didn't bother to listen to anyone resembling an expert on the matter. And as a result the inconvenience (particularly for those of us in software) was for naught, as this article from Reuters documents. But the Flying Spaghetti Monster forfend that we put the conservation screws to the energy companies and auto manufacturers when everyone else can be jerked around instead.
If I had to pick a legislative brainchild that captures the essence of the George W. Bush era's band-aid-on-a-gangrenous knee contributions to law-making, this would be a viable candidate. Certainly not as splashy as the Patriot Act or the war authorization. Just the era in microcosm.
On a lighter note, I was flattered to be on the same page--figuratively speaking--with the wits who produce The Onion's "American Voices," particularly the first one in this series.