Thursday, January 15, 2009

Drowning in vinegar and water

A Pundit Kitchen caption from a couple day ago: "There's a fine line between being a badass and a douchebag. You just crossed it." I think that we can safely say that Israel is unequivocally Douchebag Central right now:

"It's a total disaster for us," Ging said, adding that the U.N. had warned the Israeli military that the compound was in peril from shelling that had begun overnight. U.N. officials say they have provided Israel with GPS coordinates of all U.N. installations in Gaza to prevent such attacks. [emphasis mine]
So let me get this straight: The nearly-departed Bush Regime unilaterally invaded Iraq because a bottled-up Saddam Hussein was thumbing his nose at the UN. Yet we not only condone, but coddle a belligerent Israel, which has has been defying the same UN with its delusions of Manifest Destiny for over four decades? We blow the living snot out of nations to "bring democracy" to them, while Israel jerry-rigs its political process to disenfranchise the people it can't bomb. [snark]What, it doesn't make sense?[/snark]. Well, apparently it does to people who should know better.

Feh. So far as I'm concerned, barring children and those now politically powerless, any evil that befalls Israel now is the crop of its own planting. More tragically, we have the dirt of their fields under our fingernails here in America: The Democratic party is so knee-jerk about defending anyone perceived as a "minority," while the Republican party is run by people who cheer-lead butchery as the short road to The Rapture.

A perfect storm, in other words.