Monday, August 24, 2009

Irony overload

So I'm on my morning commute this morning, and wind up behind a truck (naturally) driven by an old dude (naturally) that bore three bumper-stickers.

  1. The first stated the obvious, that Planned Parenthood was the largest provider of abortions in America. [snark]Really? Whodathunkit?[/snark].
  2. The second proclaimed that you can't be Catholic and "Pro-abortion." No-brainer there. Why? Because absolutely no one is "pro-abortion." There is pro-choice and there is anti-choice. That's it. [snark]Good job: You've "framed" yourself into logical irrelevance.[/snark].
  3. The third was the familiar ribbon shape, reading "Pray for Our Troops." Somehow I suspect the prayers I was being exhorted to offer were intended to wash the blood of an illegal war from their hands. [no-snark]As much as I prize my copy of Mark Twain's "The War Prayer," I would have happily tied it to a brick to put through the window of that truck, just to make sure this clueless hypocrite got the point. [/no-snark]
In other words, the standard "pro-lifer" who doesn't give a rat's backside about the embryo after it's born, and double that if it's not a Christian American, preferably white.