Monday, September 29, 2008

My lunchbox hero today

Seth Godin's blog--the edition, anyway--is one that I don't miss, despite the fact that I don't (yet) own a company. Other than his concept of permission-based marketing, nothing in particular tends to stick with me day to day. It's the kind of writing that gently infiltrates the mind like a gentle rain. (Rather like Marcus Aurelius' Meditations)

This post from over the weekend, however, is an exception. Godin, in his writing, comes off as a truly gentle soul, but you sense the righteous anger of someone who sees his values violated every time he has to fly.

I have to second--"second" as in waving a cigarette lighter in the air and hollering "Woooo! Preach it, brother!"-- that, given that not only do I voluntarily subsidize lowest common denominator thinking whenever I purchase a ticket, but that I am involuntarily complicit by dint of having taxable income.

So, go read Random Travel Thoughts. Well worth your time in the coin of thought-fodder.