Friday, March 14, 2008

The second most important question...

...that anyone should be asking of the Bush Regime and its posse is simply: "Why do telecom companies need retroactive immunity if warrantless spying is legal?" I'm just hoping that the Congress-critters in the House evolve enough backbone to keep stalling the FISA bill (last night's street theater aside) until the clamor of common sense becomes too loud for even the thugs in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania to dismiss.

(And the most important question is still, of course, "Where's Osama?" In round numbers, the Bush Regime has "avenged" 3000 9/11 casualties with the deaths of 4000 American soldiers, hundreds of contractors, not to mention tens of thousands of citizens from a country that was not involved in any way, shape, or form in 9/11. Yet the mastermind is still free. Got any more bright ideas, chickenhawks? Wait: On second thought, keep 'em to yourself.)